PA blames Trump Administration for spike in settler attacks

The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Friday condemned the recent spike in settler violence, blaming it on the United States and the Trump administration’s recent softening stance towards the settlements. The…

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu indicted on charges of bribery and fraud

Avichai Mandelbit, Israel’s attorney general, announced the indictment of longest-serving leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, following investigations that the prime minister committed bribery, fraud, and a breach of trust. Mandelbit delivered the…

Israel becomes the first democracy to deport a Human Rights Watch worker

Omar Shakir, Human Rights Watch’s Israel and Palestine director, was expelled from Israel on Monday for allegedly promoting boycotts of Israel. Shakir is the first human rights representative to be…

When a Palestinian journalist is shot in the eye, the world sees the truth; Israel’s attempts to silence the media

Wrapped in the baby-blue, star-printed sheets of Hadasa Ein Karma hospital in West Jerusalem, under the faint glow of the florescent lights, wearily lay Muath Amarneh, a Palestinian journalist who…

Women in Hebron: Resisting Occupation

With the illegal Jewish settlements in the heart of the city, Hebron reflects the grim reality of the Israeli military occupation. For the past 14 years, ‘Women in Hebron’, the…